Is it Safe for Pets to Eat Grass?

Friends and Neighbor,

Our pets may nibble on grass for various reasons, such as curiosity, finding tasty residue or a case of monkey-see-monkey-do from other pets.

For pets on regular parasite prevention, sporadic grass consumption is generally safe. However, making it a regular part of their diet can lead to digestive issues and GI upset. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers used on grass can be toxic to our pets. We never know what grass has been treated with - especially here in the city. Chomping on a few blades here and there is not usually case for the ER, but be mindful to limit your pet’s grass intake for this reason.


Pets might ingest parasites like hookworms or roundworms from feces left by other pets in the grass. Cases like indoor/outdoor cats or neighbors that didn’t pick up their pup’s poop are cause for parasite ingestion. A good rule of thumb is to keep a close watch on your pet as they are snooping around in the grass.

Digestive Concerns

Some pets may vomit or experience other digestive issues from eating grass. They may also eat grass to help release bile from an empty stomach, which can be uncomfortable. The old saying that dogs eat grass to induce vomiting remains speculative. If you notice your pet acting unusual or having irregular bowel movements, we recommend contacting your veterinarian to take a closer look.

Kidney Stones

In rare cases, a pet’s grass-eating habits might indicate an attempt to expel kidney stones. If your pet has a history of kidney stones and frequently consumes grass, we recommend scheduling a visit to see a veterinarian.

While grass-eating is typically harmless, it can cause vomiting and other digestive problems in some pets. Pet parents should monitor their pets' grass intake and watch for any unusual behaviors or symptoms that could signal underlying health issues.

We hope you find these tips useful and that they help keep your pets happy and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always here for you and your pets!


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