Boulevard Veterinary
4646 N Damen Ave
New to BLVD?
We need some details before scheduling your pet’s first visit.
Please call to speak with us directly or create an account below where you can upload medical records.
We still strongly recommend calling if your pet is sick for the earliest availability.
Contact your nearest emergency veterinarian if this is an emergency.
Already a BLVD Client?
We still strongly recommend calling if your pet is sick for earliest availability.
Otherwise, current clients follow the directions below to request an appointment:
If you are requesting an appointment for multiple pets, please place a separate request for each one. Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions.
List your doctor preference if you have one in the Notes box.
Check your email to see if your appointment request has been confirmed or if we need to schedule your pet at another time. We may call you to reschedule.
Refresh your page if you do not see a Request Appointment button above or click to call.
We may need up to 48 hours to review your online request so please call us if you have an urgent medical concern.
Boulevard Veterinary Ravenswood
4646 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
If your pet requires care after office hours, please contact one of these emergency hospitals:
Veterinary Emergency Group Chicago
755 W North Ave
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 757-5444
3305 N California Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 281-7110