Comprehensive Oral Treatment
COT 101: All You Need to Know!
Complete dental care is important for your pet’s overall health. Outside of oral hygiene and comfort, the gum line can be an avenue for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and affect organ health. We recommend a Complete Oral Treatment once a year, but also tailor that recommendation to each patient based on their oral care needs. Each Wellness visit, we assess your pet’s oral health and will recommend a treatment plan based on their needs.
A Day in the Life of a COT Patient
We practice Gold Standard dentistry in our Comprehensive Oral Treatments by utilizing two Veterinary Technicians for every procedure, one monitoring anesthesia and the other focused on cleaning the mouth and taking dental x-rays. Our Veterinarians will do a physical exam of the mouth, review all x-rays and perform any necessary extractions. For our procedures, every pet gets full mouth dental radiographs and full mouth gingival probing. We believe it’s important to take these steps as painful and unviable teeth can appear normal above the gumline. We perform all dental procedures under general anesthesia with intubation to ensure the complete comfort of your pet and to prevent fluids from moving into the trachea. Additionally, so you can see what was done we’ll review the x-rays with you and show you before and after photos!